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How to support change with intention and movement
May 1st, 2023 + The Naturopathic Co.

As we all know, over time our bodies change with age, as it turns out, our bodies including our nervous system are constantly remodelling in response to the input and experiences to which they are exposed.

The term Neuroplasticity may be familiar, and it is used to represent constant reorganisation of it’s structures, function and connections in response to the stimuli it encounters. Whatever you are thinking, feeling, or experiencing, change is taking place in your brain via the process of Neuroplasticity.

The Predictive Brain

Our glorious brains are somewhat predictive. They are natural experts at developing processes that are quick & efficient, and most of the time you won’t realise you’re doing whatever it is you’re doing. Our brains will make a prediction based on an existing database of previous experiences, using incoming sensory information to confirm or contradict those predictions. When the sensation confirms the prediction, the behaviour continues, but a contradiction will stimulate the nervous system with a new possibility.

Knowing this is a good first step to effecting change. So how do we use this process and create new, stronger, more conscious movements?

The key to change is to surprise the system and the key to surprise is sensation.

If you’ve ever gone to pick something up from the floor only to realise as you’re picking it up, it’s much lighter or heavier than predicted? This is known as a movement error. The experience creates new stimuli and your brain adjusts your movement for the next attempt.


Another area that will assist the progression of change is dialogue. With movement, offering cues that are inviting you to become curious about the exploration of movement are essential in creating this change in the motor loop.

An example of this is when cueing someone to ‘control’ a movement. If we ask for control, there is a chance that an increase in tension will occur because we don’t want to fail, this diminishes the flow of movement.

Getting clear on the intentions of the movement is important and liberating. You may have many movements in your head that you are trying ‘not’ to perform, which is only going to see you resist movement in an attempt to have all the ‘control’.

Our brains are capable of incredible things if we allow it by learning to work with it. Our brains respond well to intentions, but often our intentions are not clearly defined.


Change is possible if:

1. You really want to move with intention…Just move!

2. Clearly see the line of motion (visualisation)

3. Invoke movement quality when crafting your intention (inspiration)

4. Make it look easy!!!

The brain is responsive, malleable and versatile, learning how it functions helps both the teacher and the client/student of their body communicate with the nervous system more effectively!

This article was written by Kate Lister from Mind Body Integration.

Kate has a very special interest in supporting clients who live with chronic physical & emotional pain, chronic stress, anxiety, dis-ease & chronic fatigue.

The essence of Kate’s work comes from a deep fascination for the human body & mind connections. With extensive study and experience in teaching & practising The Pilates Method, Anatomy, Myotherapy, Meditation, Somatic Parts & Somatic Trauma Therapy along with Kate’s own lived experiences, there is no doubt there’s a common thread through Kate’s holistic approach to remembering we are whole and that as humans, finding safety and connection is imperative to healthy lives.

Working in small groups & 1:1 settings, Kate offers insightful and approachable techniques to develop life skills of Regulation & Healing with effective ways to integrate into everyday life. To book with Kate, click here to visit the Mind Body Integration website

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