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Tips for getting started on the anti-inflammatory diet
January 1st, 2019 + The Naturopathic Co.


The anti-inflammatory diet is what our cells would ask for in order to cool our inflammation. It is the type of food that our body thrives on.  The focus is on which foods have a nurturing, balancing, healing, and calming effect on the body.  The anti-inflammatory diet incorporates whole foods, and is rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, fish, whole grains, and olive oil. It focuses on the incorporation of prebiotics, fiber, antioxidants, and omega 3 fatty acids.

>Consume a small amount of protein with each meal, combined with vegetables including greens.

>Decrease animal protein except for fish, which you can consume 3 x weekly. Minimise intake of red meat and remove processed meats altogether. Try to consume red meat less than 3 x per week. Incorporate more fish, chicken, vegetable proteins.

>For omega-3 fatty acids, eat salmon (preferably wild caught), sardines, tuna, herring, cod, oysters, anchovies,  hemp seeds, flaxseeds (add to smoothies), and consider taking a clean sourced fish oil supplement including EPA and DHA.

>Eat more vegetable protein, especially from beans and legumes (lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans) in general.

>Crowd out white based products and replace with minimal brown or wholemeal grains such as quinoa, steel-cut oats, brown rice.

>Include avocados, nuts, such as walnuts, pecans, almonds, and nut butters made from these nuts.

>Eat the rainbow at each meal, incorporating fruits and vegetables of all colours, particularly berries, tomatoes, orange and yellow fruits, and dark leafy greens.

>Increase vegetable intake to 5-7 serves daily, including a variety of dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, kale.

>Use both fresh and dried herbs and spices when cooking as much as possible, including turmeric, fenugreek, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, rosemary.

>Consume small amounts of red wine in cooking, and up to 5 glasses of red wine per week.

>Consume dark chocolate with a minimum of 80% cacao, with minimal/no sugar added.

>Minimise intake of red meat and remove processed meats altogether.

>Exchange margarines and unhealthy vegetable oils for healthier fats from unheated olive oil, nuts, seeds, and small amounts of coconut oil.

Anti-inflammatory meal ideas


Smoothie. Oats. Eggs. Smoked salmon/ avocado on toast. Chia bowl. Acai bowl.

Lunch or dinner

Tuna salad. Spinach and feta frittata. Quinoa salad. Chicken and salad wraps. Salmon with zucchini pasta and pesto. Pumpkin and cauliflower soup. Salmon with broccolini and cauliflower rice. Grilled salmon on a bed of mixed greens with olive oil and vinegar. Chicken curry with sweet potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli. Salad with quinoa and vegetables, soup, grilled salmon.


Blueberries, raspberries, apples and nut butter, walnuts, chia seed pudding, guacamole with cucumber, carrots, figs, oranges, cherries, pomegranates, protein balls, raw flax/quinoa/rice crackers with avocado, hummus and carrot/cucumber/pear, nut butter and apple or celery, dark chocolate and strawberries, nut and seed mix, dried apricots, sultanas, coconut yoghurt with passionfruit, bliss balls, GF fruit toast with cheese, cacao and cinnamon almond milk hot chocolate, turmeric or matcha latte.

Five day meal plan

Day One

Breakfast: Balanced smoothie; half avocado, 2 bananas, 1 C frozen berries, handful of organic spinach or kale, 2tsp of spirulina, 2Tbsp LSA, 1 Tbsp coconut oil or shredded coconut, handful of cranberries, 1 C of slightly cooled chamomile or green tea, plus coconut milk or almond milk or a combo.

Put dry ingredients in the blender first, cover the dry ingredients with tea and coconut and/ or almond milk and blend, adding more milk as required.

(See your naturopath and add key supplements to your smoothie in order to boost nutritional content for you and your children).

Organic oats with drizzled honey and almond milk (omit honey in children under 1).

Lunch: Chicken and fennel salad with feta, spinach, black olives, sliced tomato, parsley, and roasted beetroot.

Snack ideas: Raw flax/quinoa/rice crackers with avocado, hummus and carrot/cucumber/pear, nut butter and apple or celery, dark chocolate and strawberries, nut and seed mix, dried apricots, figs, sultanas, coconut yoghurt with passionfruit, bliss balls, GF fruit toast with cheese, berries and seasonal fruit, cacao and cinnamon almond milk hot chocolate, turmeric or matcha latte.

Dinner: Roasted garlic cod or rockling with lemon slices, served with balsamic asparagus, green beans, roasted carrots and red capsicum on potato mash.

Blueberry crumble made with almond meal, 1 Tbsp psyllium husks, organic GF oats, coconut flour/or almond meal, coconut oil, and ghee.

Day two

Breakfast: Raspberry chia pudding with maple syrup, topped with warm blueberries, flaked almonds (or LSA), served with coconut yoghurt, kefir, and topped with blueberries, coconut flakes, goji berries, cranberries, and chopped pistachios.

Mini frittata muffins served with melted butter or ghee / and tomato relish.

Snack ideas: Raw flax/quinoa/rice crackers with avocado, hummus and carrot/cucumber/pear, nut butter and apple or celery, dark chocolate and strawberries, nut and seed mix, dried apricots, figs, sultanas, coconut yoghurt with passionfruit, bliss balls, GF fruit toast with cheese, berries and seasonal fruit, cacao and cinnamon almond milk hot chocolate, turmeric or matcha latte.

Lunch: Salad with radish, avocado, snow peas, grilled asparagus drizzled in olive oil and two organic eggs

Dinner: Organic chicken rice noodle and vegetable soup topped with harrissa

Acai seeded slice with dark chocolate and cranberries

Day Three

Breakfast: Pecan smoothie; 1 red apple cored, 1, date, 10 pecans, 2 Tbsp almond butter (or LSA), 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 cup coconut milk, pinch of nutmeg.

Poached eggs served with GF baked beans, avocado, bok choy, tomato, and roasted potatoes.

Snack ideas: Raw flax/quinoa/rice crackers with avocado, hummus and carrot/cucumber/pear, nut butter and apple or celery, dark chocolate and strawberries, nut and seed mix, dried apricots, figs, sultanas, coconut yoghurt with passionfruit, bliss balls, GF fruit toast with cheese, berries and seasonal fruit, cacao and cinnamon almond milk hot chocolate, turmeric or matcha latte.

Lunch: Gluten free toast with fresh figs, parsley, walnuts, and crumbed goat’s cheese.

Dinner: Zucchini slice topped with oven baked vine roasted tomatoes and served with green beans and salsa verde.

Day Four

Breakfast: Chia pudding, cinnamon, mixed berries and linseed served with gluten-free granola and coconut yoghurt.

Snack ideas: Raw flax/quinoa/rice crackers with avocado, hummus and carrot/cucumber/pear, nut butter and apple or celery, dark chocolate and strawberries, nut and seed mix, dried apricots, figs, sultanas, coconut yoghurt with passionfruit, bliss balls, GF fruit toast with cheese, berries and seasonal fruit, cacao and cinnamon almond milk hot chocolate, turmeric or matcha latte.

Lunch: Grated vegetable, mixed bean, quinoa salad with red cabbage, cucumber, carrots, avocado, served with lime.

Dinner: Roasted salmon with fennel, organic red olives, and lemon. Served with green salad; green apples, celery, cucumber, avocado, parsley, rocket.

Mixed berries – strawberries, raspberries, blackberries served with coconut ice cream.

Day Five

Breakfast: Italian eggs baked in tomatoes and basil, served with mushrooms

Snack ideas: Raw flax/quinoa/rice crackers with avocado, hummus and carrot/cucumber/pear, nut butter and apple or celery, dark chocolate and strawberries, nut and seed mix, dried apricots, figs, sultanas, coconut yoghurt with passionfruit, bliss balls, GF fruit toast with cheese, berries and seasonal fruit, cacao and cinnamon almond milk hot chocolate, turmeric or matcha latte.

Lunch: Salad bowl with avocado, tuna, romaine lettuce, roasted beetroots, sauerkraut, julienne carrots, coriander, picked cucumbers

Dinner: Warm Thai beef stir fry with snow peas, broccoli, capsicum, pineapple, and served with rice or cauliflower rice.

Bon appetit

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Yvette is a qualified Melbourne-based Naturopath and Nutritionist, MINDD Practitioner, member of the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia, and Complementary Medicine Association. Yvette specialises in the treatment of conditions commonly affecting women and children, with a key interest in children’s digestive and neurological conditions, as well as women’s hormonal concerns, digestive issues, fatigue, anxiety, and skin concerns. Yvette consults in South Yarra, Melbourne, as well as Australia-wide via skype/zoom/phone. 

Disclaimer; We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information on this site is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult with a health care practitioner before implementing any information or treatments from content found on this wellness blog or website. This is of the utmost importance if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking prescription medication, or have a medical condition.

The Naturopathic Co. Melbourne Naturopath 2020

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