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The Naturopathic Co.


Do you suffer from digestive issues?

Bloating? Fluctuating stools? Reflux? Indigestion?…

Do you experience anxiety, fatigue, poor sleep, weight gain, or skin issues?

It’s time to make a change.



Modern Naturopathy Adelaide

Our experienced naturopathic clinicians provide treatment for gut health and digestive issues, skin issues, weight, hormone imbalances, fatigue & more!


At The Naturopathic Co. Adelaide we can help you understand why your body is experiencing symptoms, and help you to restore balance.

We are Adelaide naturopaths who are passionate about our work in restoring health and wellbeing.

We are experts in developing treatment plans that help get you well quickly.

We combine our love of natural therapies with sophisticated functional testing to rebalance and restore the body.

We’re here to help you.

Gut. Anxiety. Weight. Skin. Hormones. Fatigue.


I’m Yvette, founder of The Naturopathic Co. a qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist, MINDD Practitioner, member of the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia.

If you have a health issue that you’ve been struggling with, then we can help you.

Once we know WHY your body is out of balance, then we create a treatment plan that is tailored to you. We help you every step of the way.

Our treatment prescription may include dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine, and nutritional supplementation.

We utilise Australia’s largest pathology company for sophisticated functional testing if required.





> We are results-orientated.

> We don’t push unnecessary supplements.

> We support you back to health as quickly as possible.

> We have exceptional 5 star reviews on google.

> We offer unbeatable client service and support.


The Naturopathic Co. was named Best in Adelaide. Click here to read more.


🔹All digestive disorders (digestive symptoms, bloating, reflux, stool ⁠ fluctuations, IBS)

🔹Fatigue, disturbed sleep, lack of energy⁠

🔹Skin conditions (acne/dermatitis/eczema/psoriasis)⁠

🔹Autoimmune conditions (Crohn’s, Colitis, Rheumatoid ⁠ Arthritis, Psoriasis, Hashimoto’s, and Lupus)⁠

🔹Irregular or dysfunctional periods, PMS (mood, cravings, ⁠ headaches, pain)⁠

🔹Weight management⁠

🔹Hormonal imbalances⁠

🔹Mood disorders, depression, irritability, anxiety⁠

🔹Food allergy and sensitivity, including hay fever symptoms⁠

🔹Thyroid dysfunction (hyper/hypo)⁠

🔹Low immune response⁠



I was recommended to see Yvette for constant stomach & bowel issues that I’d had for years! I first seen her in June & now November, I am pretty much free of symptoms, finally living more comfortably! She is great at what she does!!! Thanks so much Yvette, I couldn’t recommend you enough.

Laci Scott

I have had a fantastic experience with Yvette. After just one consultation, I began to see major improvements in my gut health, which I never thought would be possible. Yvette is very thorough and well informed, with extensive knowledge on gut health and hormones. So glad I came to Yvette! Would recommend to anyone.

Tahlia Down

Yvette is so knowledgeable and has been so compassionate and effective in her approach to my skin and gut issues. My skin has cleared up completely in a matter of weeks, compared to the last few years of seeing multiple naturopaths, specialists, and trying so many supplements with no improvement. I can’t thank her or recommend her services highly enough!

Rahni Lee

Click here to read more 5 star reviews on


Let us take the hassle out of healing.

We cater to patients who are looking for a naturopath that takes the time to understand their specific situation.

Our team of Adelaide naturopaths specialise in helping you get well again in the shortest time possible, with minimal fuss.


How many sessions does it take?

It depends on the health condition and how your body responds, but typically less than 4 sessions are required.

What if I need specialty testing?

We utilise the largest functional pathology lab in Australia.

Some tests you can complete from the comfort of your home, and others you may need to visit your local pathology centre.

Our expertise is in healing from the inside out.

Finding the root cause of your health issue, and healing it properly. No band-aid solutions.

If you’re ready for sustainable change, book today, and we’ll explain how we can help.


Book your initial naturopathy consultation with our Adelaide naturopath.


Yvette – Naturopath and Nutritionist at The Naturopathic Co.

Yvette is a qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist, MINDD Practitioner, member of the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia.

Yvette specialises in the treatment of gut health and digestive complaints, skin issues, mood disorders, hormonal concerns, fatigue, and more.


89 Pirie St, Adelaide SA 5000








Aberfoyle Park Adelaide CBD Albert Park Alberton Aldgate Aldinga Aldinga Beach Allenby Gardens Andrews Farm Angle Park Angle Vale Ascot Park Ashbourne Ashford Ashton Athelstone Athol Park Auldana Banksia Park Basket Range Beaumont Bedford Park Belair Bellevue Heights Beulah Park Beverley Bibaringa Biggs Flat Birkenhead Black Forest Blackwood Blair Athol Blakeview Blewitt Springs Bolivar Bowden Bradbury Brahma Lodge Bridgewater Brighton Broadview Brompton Brooklyn Park Brown Hill Creek Buchfelde Buckland Park Bull Creek Burnside Burton Camden Park Campbelltown Carey Gully Castambul Cavan Chandlers Hill Chapel Hill Cheltenham Cherry Gardens Christie Downs Christies Beach Clapham Clarence Gardens Clarence Park Clarendon Clearview Cleland Clovelly Park College Park Collinswood Colonel Light Gardens Concordia Coromandel Valley Cowandilla Crafers Craigburn Farm Craigmore Croydon Cumberland Park Darlington Davoren Park Daw Park Dernancourt Devon Park Dingabledinga Direk Dorset Vale Dover Gardens Dry Creek Dudley Park Dulwich Eagle On The Hill Eastwood Echunga Eden Hills Edinburgh Edwardstown Elizabeth Elizabeth Downs Elizabeth Grove Elizabeth Park Elizabeth Vale Enfield Enfield Plaza Erindale Ethelton Evandale Evanston Everard Park Exeter Export Park Fairview Park Felixstow Ferryden Park Findon Firle Fitzroy Flagstaff Hill Flaxley Flinders Park Forest Range Forestville Frewville Fulham Fullarton Gawler Gepps Cross Gilberton Gilles Plains Gillman Glandore Glanville Glen Osmond Glenalta Glenelg Glengowrie Glenside Glenunga Globe Derby Park Glynde Golden Grove Goodwood Gould Creek Grange Green Fields Green Hills Range Greenacres Greenhill Greenwith Gulfview Heights Hackham Hackney Hallett Cove Hampstead Gardens Happy Valley Hawthorn Hawthorndene Hazelwood Park Heathfield Heathpool Hectorville Hendon Henley Beach Hewett Highbury Highgate Hillbank Hillcrest Hillier Hilton Hindmarsh Holden Hill Hope Forest Hope Valley Horsnell Gully Houghton Hove Humbug Scrub Huntfield Heights Hyde Park Ingle Farm Inglewood Ironbank Joslin Jupiter Creek Kalbeeba Kangarilla Kangaroo Flat Kensington Kensington Gardens Kensington Park Kent Town Keswick Kidman Park Kilburn Kilkenny Kings Park Kingsford Kingswood Kirkcaldy Klemzig Kudla Kuitpo Colony Kurralta Park Kyeema Largs Bay Leabrook Leawood Gardens Linden Park Lockleys Longwood Lonsdale Lower Hermitage Lower Mitcham Lynton Macclesfield Macdonald Park Magill Malvern Manningham Mansfield Park Marble Hill Marden Marino Marleston Marryatville Maslin Beach Mawson Lakes Maylands Mcharg Creek Mclaren Flat Mclaren Vale Medindie Melrose Park Mile End Millswood Mitcham Mitchell Park Moana Modbury Montacute Montarra Morphett Vale Morphettville Mount George Mount Lofty Mount Osmond Munno Para Mylor Myrtle Bank Nailsworth Netherby Netley Newton Noarlunga Downs North Haven Northfield Northgate Norton Summit Norwood Novar Gardens Oakden Oaklands Park Old Noarlunga Old Reynella One Tree Hill Onkaparinga Hills Osborne Ottoway Outer Harbor Ovingham O’Halloran Hill O’Sullivan Beach Pages Flat Panorama Para Hills Para Vista Paracombe Paradise Parafield Paralowie Park Holme Parkside Pasadena Payneham Pedler Creek Penfield Pennington Peterhead Piccadilly Plympton Pooraka Port Adelaide Port Noarlunga Port Stanvac Port Willunga Prospect Prospect Queenstown Redwood Park Regency Park Reid Renown Park Reynella Richmond Ridgehaven Ridleyton Rose Park Rosewater Rosslyn Park Rostrevor Royal Park Royston Park Rundle Mall Salisbury Salisbury Sampson Flat Scott Creek Seacliff Seacombe Gardens Seaford Seaford Meadows Seaford Rise Seaton Seaview Downs Sefton Park Sellicks Beach Semaphore Sheidow Park Silver Sands Skye Somerton Park Springfield St Agnes St Georges St Kilda St Marys St Morris St Peters Station Arcade Stepney Stirling Stonyfell Sturt Summertown Surrey Downs Taperoo Tatachilla Tea Tree Gully Tennyson Teringie The Levels The Range Thebarton Thorngate Toorak Gardens Torrens Park Torrensville Tranmere Trinity Gardens Trott Park Tusmore Uleybury Underdale Unley Upper Hermitage Upper Sturt Uraidla Urrbrae Vale Park Valley View Virginia Vista Walkerville Walkley Heights Ward Belt Warradale Waterfall Gully Waterloo Corner Wattle Park Wayville Welland West Beach West Lakes Westbourne Park Whites Valley Willaston Willunga Windsor Gardens Wingfield Woodcroft Woodforde Woodville Wynn Vale Yatala Vale Yattalunga Yundi


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